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GTA 416.863.0511
GTA TTY 416.364.8762 TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511
TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868
#SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone
Seniors Safety Line
TOLL-FREE 1-866-299-1011
TTY 1-866-299-0008
Pour les services en français, veuillez appeler FEM'AIDE (Ligne de soutien pour femmes violentées)
1.866.860.7082 (ATS)
Culturally grounded helpline for Indigenous women.
Assaulted Women's Helpline
P.O. Box 40569,Six Points Plaza
Etobicoke, ON
M9B 6K8
TEL 416.364.4144
Toll-free 1.888.364.1210
Toll-free TTY 1.833.286.9865
Fax 416.364.0563
If you would like to order copies of our information pamphlets, please download and fax in the order form (.PDF) to the Training, Resource & Outreach team at (416) 364-0563.
Visit Training, Resource & Outreach to see workshop topics or book a workshop for your workplace or organization.