Our Mission:
The Assaulted Women’s Helpline provides a safe space, free of judgment anytime, day or night, to support, listen and guide women who have experienced any type of abuse anywhere in Ontario.

Our Province Wide Objectives:
To provide free, confidential and anonymous crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals via telephone in up to 200+ languages from a feminist perspective. AWHL is committed to exploring new technologies to address the service delivery needs of the women we help.
Reducing Barriers to Service Access for:
- Women who are hard of hearing or deaf through the use of TTY and online counselling;
- Women with disAbilities, immigrant and refugee women, women of colour, lesbians, bi-sexual women, transgendered women, senior women, rural and Northern women by using integrated analysis
Improve Education and Awareness on Issues of Abuse and Violence Against Women:
- By providing support, information and referrals to friends and family members of abused women, service providers and other professionals in contact with abused women
- To utilize statistical information gathered to advocate for abused women on relevant issues, trends and to identify emerging issues and gaps in service;
- To work cooperatively with all levels of government to eradicate violence against women.